Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Unknown% Brewed By Amsterdam Brewing Company 45 Esandar Dr Toronto Ontario Canada North America (416) 504 1040 Did you try this beer? Enter your review of Amsterdam / Biergotter The Second Coming in the below form.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7.5% Brewed By Flat Tail Brewing 202 SW 1st St Corvallis Oregon USA North America (541) 758-2229 Buy the ticket, take the ride. How is 6am Stout? Let us know below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7.5% Brewed By Rust Belt Brewing Company 530 Mahoning Ave Youngstown Ohio USA North America (330) 318-9563 Would you like to share your opinion of McPoyle’s Milk Stout? Submit your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Unknown% Brewed By Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery 107 Dunlop St E Barrie Ontario Canada North America (705) 721-8989 Does Flying Monkeys Romoolus tie the room together? Give us your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.1% Brewed By Fat Heads Brewery & Saloon 24581 Lorain Rd North Olmsted Ohio USA North America (440) 801-1001 Have an opinion about Koko Head Chocolate Coconut Cream Stout? Submit your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Unknown% Brewed By Willoughby Brewing 4057 Erie St Willoughby Ohio USA North America (440) 975-0202 Are you a fan of Willoughby Mad Cow Milk Stout? Enter your review of Willoughby Mad Cow Milk Stout below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.6% Brewed By The Brew Kettle Taproom & Smokehouse / Production Works 8377 Pearl Rd Cleveland Ohio USA North America (440) 239-8788 Are you a fan of The Brew Kettle Kitka Chocolate Coconut Milk Stout? Enter your review of The Brew Kettle Kitka Chocolate Coconut Milk Stout below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 9.2% Brewed By Cellar Rats Brewery 7743 Doty Road Madison(OH) Ohio USA North America (440) 466-3485 Buy the ticket, take the ride. How is Black Rat Imperial Stout? Let us know below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7% Brewed By Jackie O’s Pub & Brewery 24 W Union St
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Unknown% Brewed By Great Lakes Brewing Company 1947 West 28th Street Cleveland Ohio USA North America (216) 771-4404 Want to share your review of Dr. Phil’s Milk Moustache Stout? Submit your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4% Brewed By Dunham Massey Brewing Company 100 Oldfield Lane Altrincham North West (England) United Kingdom (England) Europe +44 0161 929 0663 Have you tried this beer? Share your thoughts on Milk Stout by filling out your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 8% Brewed By Jackie O’s Pub & Brewery 24 W Union St
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7.3% Brewed By Roth Brewing Company 5907 Triangle Dr Raleigh North Carolina USA North America (919) 782-2099 Have you tried this beer? Share your thoughts on Dark Construct Stout by filling out your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.4% Brewed By Camerons Brewing Company Waldon St Hartlepool North East (England) United Kingdom (England) Europe +44 01429 852000 Would you like to share your opinion of Black Monkey Stout? Submit your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.9% Brewed By Brouwerij De Prael Oudezijds Voorburgwal 30 Amsterdam North Holland Netherlands Europe +31 20 408 4470 I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster and drank pina coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. […]
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.7% Brewed By The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery 4519 W Pine St Farmville North Carolina USA North America (252) 753-7745 The dude abides. Does Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout? Submit your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 6.9% Brewed By Natty Greene’s Pub & Brewing Co. 345 S Elm St Greensboro North Carolina USA North America (336) 274-1373 Have you tried New Garden Milk Stout? Share your review by filling out your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.4% Brewed By Matt Brewing Company 811 Edward Street Utica New York USA North America (315) 624-2400 What, like in the back of a Volkswagon? Did Saranac Stout make you uncomfortable or was it like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride? Give us your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Unknown% Brewed By The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery 4519 W Pine St Farmville North Carolina USA North America (252) 753-7745 Thank you sir, will you have another Duck-Rabbit Coffee Infused Milk Stout? Give us your review below.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.5% Brewed By Rohrbach Brewing Company (Brewpub) 97 Railroad St Rochester (NY) New York USA North America (585) 546-8020 Maybe it’s the beer talking but do you love Sweet Stout? Submit your review below.